Where and how to submit your physical file for the 2021 Police competition

Where and how to submit your physical file for the 2021 Police competition

After the online registration process, it is wise for all candidates competing in the police competition to know the following process in order to be eligible for the said competition. 

Before submitting your police competition file, you must: make sure that the physical file is complete and the supporting documents filed according to the order given in the order opening the competition. 

 Where to submit your physical file for the 2021 Police competition 

 The candidate must present himself at the chosen drop-off center and on the day indicated by telephone message.

how to submit your physical file for the 2021 Police competition 

A) Welcoming and orientation workshop for candidates 
  1. Go to the welcome and orientation workshop for the competition requested; 
  2. After checking by the agent whether the candidate is scheduled, the candidate is given a numbered badge representing his order of arrival; 
  3. Go to the second workshop which is that of verification. 

B) File verification workshop 

1- The candidate is reassured to have correctly classified the documents of his file before appearing before the checking agent; 
2- Write the names, first names and types of competition on the verification sheet which is given to the candidate; 
3- Submit the said form and the file to the verifier; 
4- The file may be rejected immediately under the following conditions with the possibility for the candidate to remedy the breach noted: Irregularity in the authenticity or the signatory of a document, defect of a part. 
5- if the file is complete, the verification agent gives the file to the candidate as well as the duly signed verification sheet of the agent who will have marked "to be validated" in the red pen; 
6- the candidate is directed to the validation workshop for the application files; 

C) Filing workshop 

1- The candidate actually submits his file in this workshop to a classification officer and hands in his badge; 
2- The classification officer processes the file by assigning it a classification number which he transfers to the candidate's request and to the receipt on which he affixes the round stamp; 
3- The receipt is detached and given to the candidate; 
4- End of the process. 


1- Avoid falling into the traps of illusion dealers; 

2- Contact the police structures for any information; 

3- Obtain the launch notices for the various contests; 

4- Follow the radio programs broadcast on CRTV reserved for the National Security; 

5- Visit the websites www.dgsn.cm or www.dgsn-cm.org

6- Carefully keep the codes obtained by SMS after online registration and the receipt for submitting the application

Read also : Guide to online registration for the 2021 Police concours 

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