Recruitment at CHOCOCAM: Spontaneous applications

How to apply for a job at CHOCOCAM?
There are two ways to join our team; by spontaneous application or by call for applications.
A- Unsolicited application:
This is a direct way of making yourself known to a company and anticipating its possible professional needs. It allows you to apply to a company without responding to an ad or a specific job offer. 
For a spontaneous application to CHOCOCAM , send your CV and a cover letter to the address:   With in subject << spontaneous application for the position of.. . >> followed by the position that interests you. 
   (Increase your chances of being selected by creating a professional CV . Click here to create your CV )
B- Calls for applications: 
When we want to recruit, we post an advertisement which usually includes; 
  • The skills expected of the candidate, 
  • The description of the position to be filled,
  • The type of contract offered.
In order to increase your chances, ensure that your professional experience coincides with the expected profile before applying.

For job offers, we publish on our official platforms, with the procedure indicated. It is very important to check the content of your document before sending.

So, what are you waiting for to join us?

NB:  Do not give money to get a job

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