Announcement on Holiday job for Univesity of Dschang students - 2021 edition

Announcement on Holiday job for Univesity of Dschang students - 2021 edition
Announcement on Holiday job for Univesity of Dschang students - 2021 edition

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Dschang informs students of his Institution that the Ministry of Higher Education in the policy of assisting students will organise the 13th edition of the Holiday Job from 2nd to 30th of august 2021 in the State Universities.

Therefore, interested students are called upon to submit their files at the Directorate of Students' Welfare (door 11 and 13 ), on or before July 21th 2021).

Complete files should comprise of the following documents:
  • An unstamped hand-written application addressed to the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education;
  • An application form duly filled and signed by the candidate. Click here to download the form
  • A photocopy of tuition fees receipt of the current academic year;
  • A photocopy of the school attendance certificate or the student identity card for the current academic year;
  • A photocopy of national identity card; A photocopy of the parent's death certificate (s) for orphans;
  • A photocopy of the disability card (for handicap students);
  • 02 passport size photographs (4X 4).
Late or incomplete files will not be accepted.

More holiday job: Recruitment notice: 300 Collectors - Operation Holidays without plastic waste - RED-PLAST

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