Constitution of files for a Vocational Training Grant


Constitution of files for a Vocational Training Grant
Constitution of files for a Vocational Training Grant


The Vocational Training Grant aims to help young people integrate easily into professional life. It is granted to young people of Cameroonian nationality who are at least 14 years old and have the required level according to the chosen specialty.

The constitution of the file is as follows:

  • A stamped hand written application to the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training specifying the chosen Training Centre, the town of training and the speciality
  • Two (02) scholarship application forms available in MINEFOP's Regional or Divisional Delegations or at the Department of Guidance and Vocational Training.
  • One (01) passport size photograph;
  • Evidence of impairment for impaired candidates; Attestation of guidance to be obtained from MINEFOP's Regional or Divisional Delegations or from the Department of Vocational Training and Guidance ;
  • 1 Medical certificate of less than three (03) months;
  • Certified copy of birth certificate;
  • Certified true copy of the required diploma, attestation or school attendance certificate;
  • Certified copy of the National Identity Card;
  • Certified copy of birth certificate;
  • Copy of registration receipt or form (for candidates enrolled in a vocational training center).

 Selection process

 After undergoing an interview by Guidance Counsellors, candidates shall be issued an Attestation of Guidance. Complete application files can be submitted to any Regional or Divisional Delegation of MINEFOP or to the Department of Vocational Training and Guidance against a receipt.

Read also : MINEFOP 2021 National Vocational Training Grants

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