Announcement according to the Official Re-opening Ceremony of the 2019/2020 Academic Year

university of dschang

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Dschang informs the University community that the Official Reopening Ceremony of the 2019/2020 academic year, is scheduled for Friday November 08th, 2019 at the Amphitheatre 1000 of the Conference Center at 9am prompt.

Placed Under the theme: "Consolidating Educational Governance of the Cameroonian University." This re-opening Will be as usual, an opportunity to express the Collective Dynamics in favour of the youths being trained in our Institution.

Consequently, commitments to ensure a successful 2019/2020 academic year will be taken by the various constituents of the University community; students, lecturers and non- teaching staff.

The ceremony does not only concern the students of the Bachelor’s degree cycle but equally those of the Masters and Doctorate/PhD cycles.

Lecturers are expected not only at the procession but also at the Amphitheatre 1000, dressed in their academic robes.

The Vice chancellor counts on the effective participation of everyone, in the Spirit of Collective Dynamics, for the ceremony to be successful.

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